When it comes to credit cards, there is a wide range of options available for almost any type of cardholder. From student cards to premium rewards cards, the market is full of different choices. However, some cards are harder to get than others. These cards tend to have stricter requirements, such as high credit score and income requirements or limited availability. Often, these cards are also designed with specific groups of people in mind, such as luxury and invitation-only credit cards. Read more http://creditrewardperks.com/7-hardest-credit-cards-to-get/
For example, the Centurion Card from American Express is widely considered to be one of the hardest credit cards to get. Better known as the Black Card, it requires an invitation to apply and is reserved for the ultra-wealthy. It reportedly offers an array of benefits, such as round-the-clock personal concierge services and access to the world’s best airport lounges. Other hard-to-get cards include the Platinum Card and Business Platinum Card from American Express and the J.P. Morgan Reserve Card. There is even a rare credit card called the Dubai First Royale Mastercard, which has only been issued to members of the royal family in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.
How to Apply for a Nike Credit Card: A Step-by-Step Guide
When it comes to applying for a credit card, you need to have excellent credit and sufficient income to prove that you can handle the credit limit that you are approved for. If you cannot prove that, your application will be rejected by the issuer. However, there are ways to improve your chances of getting a credit card, such as paying off outstanding debt or addressing any errors on your credit report.